
Thursday, April 19, 2012

Socia Malaise Debrief No.1

Socia Malaise
The Mission: Discover and study online social networks. Explore who's using these networks and infiltrate the platforms to learn the trends, secrets of success and the language.
Intelligence: There are over 400 social media platforms. They can be found in almost any subject. Opportunities to connect to specific demographics has never been so easy. The challenge is to decide which platforms offer the most effective way to connect to your specific audience. 

1- How do you choose which ones to use?
2-Which ones will reach the audience you are trying to connect with?
3- Are there some that are more user friendly than others?
4- Why do I need to participate in social media?

Dialogue: You can become part of the dialogue by asking important questions. What do you want to know? What social media platform has you baffled? What's the magic number when it comes to how many platforms one should participate in? If Socia doesn't know the answer she will find it, you can be sure.

Join Socia Malaise on her quest to understand and bust the social media frenzy wide open. Answers you can count on. Questions worth asking.


  1. Here's my question. What are the best ways to use Twitter? And how do you not have it totally suck your time when you need to follow blogs and friends on Facebook? I'm thinking of joining it but afraid since I already spend too much time reading blogs.

  2. Those are really good questions. Socia definitely has some answers. I think the whole marketing and networking thing has writers stressing out because they write because they need to write and figuring out how to balance that with marketing through social media is the challenge. One thin that writers have to understand is social media isn't going to go away so we have to embrace it. Especially if we write for children. Every year the amount of kids 2-11 goes up as does the 12-18 age group.


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