
Monday, August 10, 2015

The Choice by Cindy Cipriano

Date Published: June 9, 2015 
ISBN: 9781922200181
Genre: Middle grade, fantasy
Publisher: Odyssey Books
Themes: friendship, family, home, loyalty
Add it on: Goodreads / Amazon / Barnes And Noble

The is the second book in The Sidhe series, see my review of the first, The Circle, here.

About The Book: For Calum Ranson, seventh grade brings changes in his relationship with his parents and his friends, and a confrontation with his bully. Calum’s talents have also developed to a level unheard of in the Sidhe world, and he surprises everyone when he cleverly catches the person responsible for casting Finley out from the Otherworld.
When Calum goes against everything he knows is right, he makes a choice that may cost him his friendship with Laurel. An old friend steps in, but her mysterious ways leave Calum questioning her motivation.
In the second book of the Sidhe Series, Calum, Laurel, and Hagen reunite in their search for Finley. And while many things have changed, Calum remains steadfast in his belief that Finley is still alive and that Calum will bring him home. —Goodreads

First Line: " Are you sure you saw it?" Calum asked, running his hand through his light brown hair. "You saw the glowing?"

What Others Are Saying: 
"The Choice is filled with lessons about friendship, morals, love, and loyalty. And written in such a deep and profound way that I find lacking among most YA authors today. With this book, itself, I already wanted to know about what will happen to Finley. The Choice is an engaging read and the description of the Sidhe’s world was vivid in my mind. And I wanted to be part of it." —Plethoric Thoughts

"...rarely will you find a story so involved, so deep and mysterious. Cipriano didn't "dumb down" anything, as some YA authors are known to. She assumed that teens would understand or strive to understand every emotion, every name and every element of the story." —Kelly Smith Reviews

What I Thought: Again, Cipriano doesn't disappoint as she weaves her fantasy involving the Gaelic myth of the Sidhe, a fae population living among humans. I love the characters and their seeming normalcy even with their extraordinary powers they are struggling to balance. The estrangement that the knowledge of their difference creates between Callum and Laurel due to Laurel's parents inability to accept Callum and his family is palpable. I'm sure any tween or teen that has experienced that kind of prejudice when a parent has difficulty trusting and at the same time protecting their child can relate to Callum and Laurels experience. This is a great read and I highly recommend it!

About The Author: Cindy Cipriano
The Sidhe Series
Interview on Writer And Authors
Who: Cindy Cipriano lives in North Carolina and has taught middle school science since 2001. She was named a North Carolina Outstanding Science Teacher in 2009 by the North Carolina Science Teachers Association. In 2012, Cindy received the Burroughs Wellcome Fund PRISM award for innovative teaching. Cindy has a M.Ed. and is a National Board Certified Teacher. She is also a North Carolina Certified Environmental Educator. Cindy is a member of the Drawbridge Writers Group, and the Triad Writers Group. Cindy enjoys speaking at conferences and is available for conference presentations, book club meetings, or other author visits.

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