Thursday, September 15, 2011

The Thursday Three Plus One

Here are some more great blogs...

Wake Up, Eat, Write, Sleep by Annalisa Crawford
    This is a really new blog for me, but poking around I've found some great nuggets that you may find worth clicking on. There are 21 great posts on the writing process and several others about a writers life. Crawford has several short stories that are published and has a nice crisp writing style.

PK Hrezo My Fiction Addiction by PK Hrezo
      When I'm feeling kind of blue, sluggish or tired of slogging through my own words, P K Hrezo's blog is only a click away. She has a perky style that inspires and content and links that have a lot to offer. Check out her Wierdo Writer-type article, a great piece that accurately portrays the writers life. Great for all those friends and family that are sitting around waiting for you to be rich and famous.

Lessons From The Monk I Married by Katherine Jenkins
    Anyone who has been following me knows I'm trying to make Yoga and Meditation a regular part of my life. Imagine my delite when I found Katherine's blog. Get this...she married a Buddhist monk. Talk about getting the inside scoop. Anyway, needless to say she is writing a book by the same title. In the meantime, her blog posts truly rock. Check out her post on cell phones. Makes you think. 

Now for the Oldie but Goody

Alex J. Cavenaugh by Alex J. Cavenaugh
      If you haven't already you then need to rush over and check out Alex's blog because you are missing a whole lot of cool. He is always doing something exciting over there. Check out his Insecure Writers Support Group, over 130 bloggers are posting inspiring posts every Wednesday. And besides, he is a great success story, his first book Cassasstar has a sequel, Cassafire that comes out 2012.    

If you know a blog I should check out, tell me about it!


  1. Thank you so much for including me on your blog, and for the compliments on my writing. I'm blushing slightly at the moment, and I'm off to check out the rest of your blog.

  2. I'm going to check out some of these blogs. I've heard good things about Alex's.

    Have you seen The Other Side of the Story by Janice Hardy. She has great tips on the craft of writing.


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