Pick of the Month Jan/2014
Planting Memories
Seven Easy Ways To Inspire your Grandchildren To Read
Encouraging your grandchildren to read is probably the most important thing you can give to them.
A good way to promote literacy is giving your grandchildren a subscription to a literary magazine. Check out these great choices.
Skipping Stones (7-17) is an International nonprofit magazine for youth that encourages communication, cooperation, creativity and celebration of cultural and environmental richness. It provides a playful forum for sharing ideas and experiences among youth from different countries and cultures. We are an ad-free, ecologically-aware, literary magazine printed on recycled paper with soy ink!
New Moon: A Magazine for Girls and Their Dreams (ages 8-18) aims to keep girls focused on their strengths and dreams throughout adolescence, when many girls abandon them under the pressure of social expectations. New Moon has won numerous awards, including the Multicultural Children’s Publication Award for 2001 and the American Association of University Women Educational Foundation’s Eleanor Roosevelt Award for 2001.
Stone Soup (ages8-13) is highly recommended for academically gifted boys as well as girls. In its 27-year history it has published more children’s writing than any other publication of its kind. A multicultural magazine,Stone Soup seeks contributions of original fiction, poetry, illustrations, and book reviews from children around the world up to age 13.
Creative Kids (ages 8-16) magazine is the only magazine by kids for kids. Everything in the magazine is written by kids just like you (except for the editor's note).
Creative Kids was started more than 20 years ago as a publication to support the work of kids across the world. Today, we publish four quarterly, full-color issues each year, including the super-sized (52 pages) issue each summer. The staff includes editors with experience in teaching and working with talented kids, five senior contributors ages 14-18, and an advisory board of 12 students ages 8-16.
Highlights (ages is simply one of the standards for children’s literary magazines. If you have a small child, they will inevitably find something in this magazine they love. They have been pleasing readers for years.

Ranger Ricks (7-up) An outstanding magazine that gives a lot to its readers. Out of all the magazines on this list, this is the one that keeps on giving. It has page after page of well written and interesting articles. It has some games and activities, but really just great photos and articles.
Ranger Rick Jr. ( ages 3-7) Simply an outstanding magazine. They too have article after article of interesting and well written stories and features.
Discover Kids (ages 7-12)(A great little magazine that focuses on one topic at a time. They do not run a lot of ads. They have two problems. First the magazine is short. Second, it focuses on one topic. This is great, as long as the child is interested in THAT topic.
Odyssey Magazine (ages 7-up)
A great science magazine for your readers! It has some outstanding articles from time to time, and it is very hands on when it comes to experimenting. Most kids would really love this. Check out their sample magazine based on the science of Candy!
A great science magazine for your readers! It has some outstanding articles from time to time, and it is very hands on when it comes to experimenting. Most kids would really love this. Check out their sample magazine based on the science of Candy!
Sample: http://viewer.zmags.com/publication/ed06933d#/ed06933d/1

CRICKET (ages 9-14) publishes only the highest quality fiction - fantasy, historical fiction, myths and legends, humor, adventure, contemporary fiction - and nonfiction stories for kids on culture, history, science, and the arts. creativity spurs readers to express themselves in new ways. Sample:http://viewer.zmags.com/publication/f9ac9d2e#/f9ac9d2e/1
Sample: http://viewer.zmags.com/publication/e41ed62b
Spider Magazine (ages 6-9) is a literary magazine for elementary school students. Take a look at their sample. It’s short, but it looks like it has some good writing for your kids.
Sample: http://viewer.zmags.com/publication/e8e4da38
ASK Magazine Kids (ages 6-9) Each issue focuses on a question. What do you know about the sun? There is also games, contests and online activities. You can also find suggestions for books to read more about the question. Animal sounds. What do you know about bones?
LADYBUG (ages 3-6) offers 40 pages of enchanting stories and poems to read aloud that are just the right length for a cozy cuddle. LADYBUG magazine is sure to spark young imaginations and develop a love of reading that will last a lifetime.

CRICKET (ages 9-14) publishes only the highest quality fiction - fantasy, historical fiction, myths and legends, humor, adventure, contemporary fiction - and nonfiction stories for kids on culture, history, science, and the arts. creativity spurs readers to express themselves in new ways. Sample:http://viewer.zmags.com/publication/f9ac9d2e#/f9ac9d2e/1
MUSE (ages 9-14) who can't help wondering whether video games really kill their brain cells, or what a gentleman ladybug is called, will find the answers here, in articles written by award-winning authors and accompanied by high-quality illustration and photography.

Spider Magazine (ages 6-9) is a literary magazine for elementary school students. Take a look at their sample. It’s short, but it looks like it has some good writing for your kids.
Sample: http://viewer.zmags.com/publication/e8e4da38
ASK Magazine Kids (ages 6-9) Each issue focuses on a question. What do you know about the sun? There is also games, contests and online activities. You can also find suggestions for books to read more about the question. Animal sounds. What do you know about bones?
Sports Illustrated Kids (ages 7-14) Launched in January 1989, Sports Illustrated Kids (SI KIDS) was created as a monthly spin-off of Sports Illustrated. Leveraging our vast experience in developing kid-targeted content, SI KIDS leverages its youth and publishing expertise to grab the attention of a notoriously hard-to-reach audience. Connecting with kids through their passion for sports, SI KIDS provides them with the ultimate destination for news, photos, entertainment and sports information. In addition, SI KIDS offers multi-media brand extensions which include SI KIDS on tablet and sikids.com.
i <3 my g-ma. she always helps me with school projects and i feel so much more comfortable w/ her vs my dad!
ReplyDeleteit is so awesome.